Its not about me! Its about Oracle E-Business Suite!
Usually the concurrent program “Journal Import“ runs without any problems. Once in a while the program ends in a warning. Checking the output file...
In developing customizations and translations Ebs’s JDR_UTILS package has been invaluable. It provides backend solutions to … listCustomizations (see...
select (delivery_timestamp - generation_timestamp) * 24 * 60 generate_to_deliver_minutes, generation_timestamp, case generation_status ...
Query to get an invoice's statusses. select invoice_id, invoice_num, doc_sequence_value, validation_request_id, ...
Oracle EBS has a feature to flag files that you have customized. This feature is aptly named "Flagged Files". You can flag these files in EBS itself...
When you work with EBS software you are bound to come across concurrent programs and concurrent requests. Concurrent requests are administered in the...